
Meet Scott Peters, Mount Allison’s Indigenous Student Advisor 

07 Mar 2024

Mount Allison is pleased to welcome Scott Peters as the University’s new Indigenous Student Advisor providing support to Indigenous students throughout their academic journey. Peters is a bilingual Mi'kmaw/English speaker originally from We’koqma’q located on Cape Breton Island.

“I am delighted to welcome Scott to Mount Allison in the role of Indigenous Student Advisor,” says Anne Comfort, vice-president, international and student affairs. “His understanding of Indigenous history and values will serve to enrich the experiences of Indigenous students on campus. His expertise and passion will further support the student experience and foster our community driven environment for all students to succeed.” 

Peters looks forward to working collaboratively with the community to support Indigenous students and bridge the gap during their transition into life on campus. Whether students are looking for financial support, accessibility information, or simply need someone to talk to and share a sense of community, Peters is committed to being there to assist every step of the way.

“Growing up in a Mi’kmaw community firsthand and coming from a Mi’kmaw speaking family and Mi’kmaw speaking community, I understand how hard it can be and what it’s like to leave your community to pursue post-secondary,” says Peters. “It’s really difficult for members of Mi’kma'ki or other Indigenous communities to leave their community. It can be a big culture shock.” 

Peters will be working mainly from the Mawita’mkw, an Indigenous gathering space located on the first floor of the Wallace McCain Student Centre, Room 130. He looks forward to welcoming community members to the space to learn, gather, and share in a sense of community. 

“When I was a frosh, I made sure to always be in the Indigenous space on campus to share in that sense of community,” he says. “When students are feeling a little home sick, or culture shock, I want them to know that they can just drop in and be with like-minded folks and allies.”

Peters previously worked for the Anglophone East School District as the Indigenous Cultural Support Worker to provide child-centered support to families, helping to navigate systems and coordinate services.

In his spare time, Peters enjoys weaving traditional Mi’kmaw baskets.

“Basket making is what keeps my spirit alive and connects me to my culture and to my ancestors,” he says. “I come from a family of weavers and basket makers; it is very ancestral.”

Peters documents his basket making on his Instagram page . Pa'skiteken translates to making baskets in Mi’kmaw.

He’s excited to connect with the community and warmly encourages students, faculty, and staff to visit him at the Mawita’mkw — WMSC Room 130.

More about the Indigenous Student Advisor role: 
The Indigenous Student Advisor plays a crucial role in advancing the University’s Indigenous Education Principles, in line with Truth and Reconciliation Commission directives. They collaborate with Indigenous students, community members, and campus stakeholders to develop and implement programs supporting Indigenous students while engaging non-Indigenous peers.  


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