News by tag: [current-page:query:t]

Making a global impact through hands-on learning
Empowering through innovation: how Ian Fogarty's ('93, '96) steam-based teaching is lighting the way for students and communities
Meant to be here
Mature and first-generation student Heidi-Lyn O'Connor pursues passion for animal science at Mount Allison
New exhibition honours the life and work of longtime teacher Gay Hansen (1954-2021)
"of a feather," featuring the photography of Thaddeus Holownia and Karen Stentaford and curated by Emily Falvey, is at the Owens Arts Gallery until May 15
Mount Allison researchers launch new phase of intergenerational literacies program with students, families, and educators 
Local kindergarteners, first-graders experience engaging, hands-on, interdisciplinary learning at home and on campus 
Mount Allison researcher establishes Centre for Toxicological and Pharmacological Discovery on campus 
Biochemist Dr. Jill Rourke’s lab awarded funding from CFI, NBIF for innovative lab equipment, resources 
Heart health
Mount Allison bio-medical study examining the role of taurine in cardiovascular health
Urbanization driving plants’ evolution 
Mount Allison biologist part of international team studying evolution of white clover in urban areas 
Mount Allison’s Writing Centre expands services for students
Staff, peer tutor supports in place across Arts, Science, and Social Sciences faculties
Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 
Mount Allison’s Faculty of Science led by an all-female group of department heads, Dean  
Birds of a feather
First Gay Hansen Award in Biology celebrates students’ love of learning
Cats and cars help scientists study Lyme disease
Study from ¯r¶¹TVÊÓƵ researchers uses citizen science to find a new source of Lyme disease bacteria in New Brunswick mice