News by tag: Class of 1995

A quarter century of connections
Mount Allison alumni in the U.K. celebrate 25+ years of reuniting
Class photos Reunion 2022
Alumni from more than 20 classes gathered at Mount Allison for Reunion 2022
Time, talent, and treasure
Four leading Canadian philanthropists discuss transformative giving with Mount Allison President Jean-Paul Boudreau
1980s-2020s Class Connections Summer 2021
Find out the latest news about your fellow Allisonians
Events and gatherings
Mount Allison alumni hold mini reunions throughout the summer and fall
Mount Allison, community development, and the pandemic
Local Allisonians, through Tantramar Community Task Force, respond to COVID-19 challenges in the region
1950s-2010s Class Notes Winter 2019
Find out what your classmates and friends are up to
Giving back to the game
Matt Khoury (’95) has wonderful memories of playing football for Mount Allison
Purdy Crawford Bursary
Introducing the first Joyce Foundation Purdy Crawford Bursary recipients