News by tag: Class of 2018

David Torrance Fund established at Mount Allison
Funds will support upper-year students, honour late history professor
Grads at Google
Mount Allison computer science graduates, students growing in number at tech giant
Musicians in quarantine
David Myles (’03) and Tristan Grant (’18) — a.k.a. Wolf Castle — reflect on producing and sharing music amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Alumni events and gatherings
Allisonians gather in-person and virtually
Alumni events and gatherings
Allisonians gather in-person and virtually
Seeing things crystal clear
Doug and Michelle Milburn’s business endeavours bring unique technology to Cape Breton’s manufacturing sector
On the case
Commerce case competitions revitalized at Mount Allison
First Hackathon hosted by Mount Allison
Computer Science conference welcomed students, alumni back to campus
Introducing R-PEACE
A new centre for engaged learning on campus
Grad Award Winners
Annual Grad Awards announced during Last Lecture
Passing it on
The story of the graduating class cane