Class officers
Rev. Ronald W. Porter (deceased)
Beverley (Marshall) Bateman
Catherine Callbeck
Questions? E-mail alumni@mta.ca
Class yell
Sixty, sixty, red and grey,
Class of 'sixty rules the day;
Classes come and classes go,
But we're the best as you all know;
We're smart, we're sure, athletic too,
A class like this is overdue;
Red for fun, grey for knowledge,
This is why we come to college;
1 - 9 - 6 - 0, 1- 9 - 6 - 0, yay sixty!
Class project
Class of 1960 Scholarship
The Class of 1960 continues to support a bursary. Members of the class are encouraged to continue contributing to help students with financial need realize their dream of a University education.

A big thank you to all who gave generously to your class project. Roger Ackman presented a cheque for $109,931 to Dr. Robert Campbell on behalf of the Class of 1960 during the Alumni Banquet on Saturday, May 15, 2010.