Class officers
Nigel Verret
Vice President
Sertara Wilkinson
Arianna Woodley
Elizabeth Hanselmann
Class project
The Class of 2020 is raising money to support a Lending Library at the Meighen Centre.
The lending library provides students with the opportunity to borrow assistive technology to try or to support them throughout each semester including Smart Pens, iPads, and laptops.

Class News
Angel Farias (’20) on giving his mom ‘just one more graduation’
Class news
Letting intuition guide you
Bermudian Aminah Simmons (’20) finds true passion in marketing
Class Connections Summer 2024
Find out the latest news about your fellow Allisonians
From the MASU to Parliament Hill
Former Students' Union president Emelyana Titarenko ('20) helping to drive change in Canadian politics