2023. Kotler, M*., & Dunbar Winsor, K. ‘Now what?’: An examination of ongoing gaps post-diagnosis for justice-involved youth with FASD." Canadian Graduate Journal of Sociology and Criminology, 6(1), 1-19.
2023. Dunbar Winsor, K., & Sheppard, A. "Dance as revolution: Exploring prisoner agency through arts-based methods." Studies in Social Justice, 16(3).
2023. Morton-Ninomiya, M., Almomani, Y., Dunbar Winsor, K., Burns, N., Harding, K., Ropson, M., Chaves, D., Youssef, M., & Wolfson, L. "Supporting pregnant and parenting women who use alcohol during pregnancy: A scoping review of trauma-informed approaches." Women’s Health, 19, 1-22.
2022. Dunbar Winsor, K., Squires, L., & Peters, A. "Developing an FASD health promotion social media campaign using community-based participatory peer review: Notes from Atlantic Canada." Healthy Populations Journal, 2(2), 79-93.
2021. Dunbar Winsor, K. "Staying with the social project: A review of feminist criminology." Social & Legal Studies, 30(3), 469-488.
2020. Dunbar Winsor, K. "An invisible problem: Stigma and FASD diagnosis in the health and justice professions." Advances in Dual Diagnosis.
2018. Dunbar Winsor, K., & Morton Ninomiya, M. E. "The past, present, and future of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder work in Newfoundland and Labrador: A landscape paper for change." Birth Defects Research, 110(16), 1215-1222.
2017. Liboiron, M., Ammendolia, J., Winsor, K., Zahara, A., Bradshaw, H., Melvin, J., ... & Liboiron, G. "Equity in author order: A feminist laboratory’s approach." Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 3(2), 1-17.
- 2023 PhD. Concordia University
Social & Cultural Analysis - 2018 MA. Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Sociology - 2016 BA. Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Deviance
- Applied Research
- Community-based Participatory Research Methods
- Gender Relations
- Sociological Imagination
- Sociology of Health
- Sociology of Disability
Grants, awards & honours
- 2022 Contract Faculty Prize for Teaching Excellence, Division of Social Sciences, Bishop's University
- 2022 Excellence in Teaching, Bishop's University
- 2019-2023 SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
- 2018 Concordia Merit Fellowship
- 2018 Concordia Faculty of Arts and Science Graduate Fellowship
- 2016 Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador Graduate Fellowship
- Fellowship of $13,600 to complete master's research