News by tag: Class of 1960

A positive and lasting impression
New Alden Leard Bursary provides financial aid opportunities for future students
Departed Allisonians Winter 2022
Compiled from information sent to University Advancement Sept. 16, 2021 to Jan. 15, 2022.
1950s-2010s Class Notes Fall 2020
Find out what your classmates and friends are up to
A family tradition
Dr. Gary Brooks (’60) followed in his family’s philanthropic footsteps
Discovering a spark
For more than a decade University Registrar Christine MacInnes (LLD ’59) encouraged Mount Allison students to shine
Passing it on
The story of the graduating class cane
1930s-2000s Class Notes Winter 2018
Find out what your classmates are up to
Introducing Mount Allison's ninth Chancellor — Lynn Loewen ('82)
Celebrating achievement
MtA President Dr. Robert Campbell and Dr. Catherine Callbeck ('60, LLD '96) awarded the Order of Canada