
About the Mount Allison Alumni Association

The Mount Allison Federated Alumni was founded in 1937 with the merger of the Alumnae Society of the Mount Allison Ladies' College and the Alumni Society of the Mount Allison College and Academy with the purpose of maintaining contact with the alumni and friends of Mount Allison, for the benefit of the University.

The Alumni Association supports and develops programs and services that create a meaningful experience for alumni, keeping you connected with your fellow alumni and the Mount Allison community.

Constitution: Mount Allison Federated Alumni Inc.

Revised: February 4, 2024


Mount Allison Federated Alumni Incorporated (鈥淎lumni Association鈥) was established pursuant to an Act to Incorporate Mount Allison Federated Alumni, enacted by the Lieutenant Governor and Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick on March 25, 1937.

The Alumni Association represents the interests of alumni of 痳豆TV视频 with the purpose of maintaining contact with alumni and friends, for the benefit of the University. The Alumni Association is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors (鈥淏oard鈥), which has an advisory role with the University on alumni engagement and the development of policies and programs which contribute to the achievement of its mission.

This Constitution sets out the purpose, membership, and governance requirements for the Alumni Association, and replaces the existing Constitution and any other previous constitutions that may exist.


  • Sec. I The name of this corporation shall be "Mount Allison Federated Alumni Incorporated".
  • Sec. II The head office of the corporation shall be in Tantramar, New Brunswick.
  • Sec. III Hereafter throughout this Constitution and, the corporation shall be referred to as the 鈥淎lumni Association鈥.


Sec. I The objectives of the Alumni Association shall be to:

a) provide a means of forming enduring friendships between all those interested in the welfare of 痳豆TV视频, and

b) promote the growth and influence of 痳豆TV视频.

Sec. II The mission of the Alumni Association shall be to:

a) promote and motivate the participation of alumni and friends of Mount
Allison with the University through effective communication, events, and special initiatives.


Sec. I The Alumni Association shall have and enjoy all the powers, rights and privileges made incident by law to corporations.

Sec. II The Alumni Association may make, enact, repeal, alter, amend, and add to all such by-laws, rules, and regulations as it deems necessary for the government and conduct of all its affairs.


Sec. I Members of the Alumni Association shall include:

(a) All present and former students of 痳豆TV视频;

(b) All present and former members of the administrative and teaching staff at 痳豆TV视频;

(c) All 痳豆TV视频 honorary degree holders;

(d) All present and former members of the Board of Regents of the University who are not otherwise entitled to membership; and

(e) Persons not otherwise entitled to membership but whose contribution to the Alumni has been determined to be worthy of membership by more than 50% of the Board.

Sec. II The Alumni Association shall maintain a list of its members at its head office.


Sec. I The affairs of the Alumni Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors, elected from the membership of the Alumni Association, and consisting of:

a) Up to 18 regular voting Directors, including Directors who shall be elected as Officers;

b) Non-voting ex-officio members of the Board who may include:

  • i.The President of 痳豆TV视频, and
  • ii.The Director of Alumni Engagement, 痳豆TV视频, who shall serve as the Executive Director of the Alumni Association.

Should there be a change in job title or role to any of the positions designated for ex-officio members, the Directors shall identify an equivalent position and such position shall be granted ex officio non-voting status.

Sec. II Procedures for composition, nomination, selection, voting, term, and duties of the Board shall be defined in by-law.


Sec. I Board of Directors

(a)The Board shall meet at least twice per year.

(b)Meeting dates, times, locations, format, notice requirements, voting rules and quorum for Board meetings shall be determined by by-law.

Sec. II Meetings of the Alumni Association

(a) The Annual General Meeting for all members of the Alumni Association shall be held once per year.

(b) A Special Meeting for all members of the Alumni Association may be called in accordance with requirements defined by by-law.

(c) All members of the Alumni Association are entitled to vote at Annual and Special Meetings.

(d ) Meeting dates, times, locations, format, notice requirements, voting rules and quorum shall be determined by by-law.


Sec. I Standing Committees

(a) A Standing Committee of the Board may only be established or dissolved or have its terms amended by by-law.

(b) The Chair of all Standing Committees shall be a Director.

Sec. II Ad-hoc Committees

(a) The Board and Standing Committees may establish ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary.

(b) The terms of reference, composition, timeline, goals, and objectives of such committees shall be determined by the Board or Standing Committee that established the ad-hoc committee.


Sec. I Constitution

(a) The Constitution may be amended or repealed at any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting of the Alumni Association by approval of two-third majority vote of the members present.

(b) Notice of any proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be provided to members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Annual or Special Meeting where amendments will be voted on.

(c) Notice of any proposed amendment to the Constitution may be provided to members by any of the following methods:

  • i. Publishing an announcement on the Mount Allison Alumni webpage;
  • ii. Publishing an announcement in the Mount Allison Record, where the publication date provides the allowed notice period;
  • iii. Sending an announcement to members electronically including but not limited to email and/ or social media; and
  • iv. Any other means of physical or electronic delivery of the proposed amendment and meeting dates to members.

Sec. II By-Laws

(a) By-laws may be amended or repealed at any meeting of the Board with approval of more than 50% of the Directors present.

(b) All by-laws enacted, amended, or repealed by the Board are effective on the date approved.

(c) Any by-laws enacted, amended, or repealed by the Board shall be provided to members at the next Annual or Special Meeting.

This Constitution has been enacted by approval of the members of Mount Allison Federated Alumni Inc. at an Annual General Meeting held on ___________________________.

Alumni Association By-Laws No. 24-01
Duties of Directors, Officers, and Appointed Representatives

Last revision date: February 4, 2024


1. Directors

All Directors, including Officers, are expected to:

(a) Prepare for and participate in Board of Directors (the 鈥淏oard鈥) and Committee meetings.

(b) Attend all meetings of the Board and meetings of Members of the Alumni Association. If an absence is unavoidable, Directors shall advise the President in writing, at least one week in advance of the meeting.

(c) Sit on at least one committee, attend committee meetings, and contribute to the deliverables of that committee.

(d) Participate in at least one student or alumni engagement event each year.

(e) Promote the University and ensure one鈥檚 involvement is known within their personal, professional, and social media networks.

(f) Demonstrate a commitment to philanthropic engagement through volunteer participation in fundraising activities, personal gifts, and/or other donations to the University.

(g) Respond in a timely manner to requests for information, availability, and input as it relates to their duties and responsibilities as a Director.

(h) Abide by the By-laws, code of conduct, conflict of interest and other policies approved by the Board.

(i) Perform other duties assigned by the Executive Committee, Board and Board Committees.

2. Executive Director

(a) The Executive Director shall be responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the Corporation and will act as a liaison between the Board and the University.

(b) Shall be an ex-officio member of the Board, Executive Committee and other Board Committees as required.

(c) The Director of Alumni Engagement, 痳豆TV视频, shall serve as the Executive Director of the Alumni Association.

(d) Perform other duties assigned by the Executive Committee, Board and Board Committees.

3. Officers

(a) All Officers shall be required to perform their duties as Directors during their term as Officers and shall perform such other duties as required by by-law and as may be assigned by the Executive Committee, Board and Board Committees.

(b) All Officers shall be members of the Executive Committee.

(c) The President

  • i. Shall oversee the execution of duties of the Board and Executive Committee.
  • ii. Shall be the official spokesperson for the Alumni Association.
  • iii. Shall represent the Board in any discussions with the University related to memorandums of understanding or other agreements.
  • iv. Chairs all meetings of the Members, the Board, and the Executive Committee.
  • v. Will sign all by-laws.
  • vi. Is an ex-officio member of all Board committees.
  • vii. Will assume the position of Past President at the conclusion of their term.
  • viii. May delegate their duties to other Officers or Directors.

(d) The Vice-President and Secretary

  • i. May exercise the duties and powers of the President during the absence or inability of the President to carry out their duties.
  • ii. Attends all meetings of the Board and Members and ensures all minutes of all meetings and decisions are recorded.

(e) The Honorary President

  • i. Shall be chosen based on demonstrated commitment to the University and alumni, and shall provide input, counsel and advice to the Executive and Board.

(f) The Past President

  • i. Shall be the immediate past president of the Corporation and shall support the Executive and Board.
  • ii. Shall chair the Nomination Committee of the Board.

4. Elected and Appointed Representatives of the Alumni Association

(a) Board of Regents and Senate Representatives

  • i. Fulfill the duties and requirements as a member of the 痳豆TV视频 Board of Regents or Senate with a view to the best interests of the University.
  • ii. Attend all required Board of Regents or Senate and assigned committee meetings.
  • iii. Ensure that the views and concerns of Alumni are made known to the University鈥檚 governing bodies.
  • iv. Provide regular and on-going updates to the Alumni Board through reporting and attendance at Alumni Board meetings.

The Alumni Association operates through members-at-large, as well as:

Board of Directors The Alumni Association is governed by the 15 members of the Board of Directors.
Alumni representatives The Mount Allison Alumni Association has alumni epresentatives on both the Board of Regents and the University Senate.
Class officers Class officers are the vital link between their class, the Alumni Engagement Office, and the University.
Alumni Engagement Office The Alumni Engagement Office supports alumni activities near and far, and provides services to alumni.

Get involved!

Your involvement in the Mount Allison Alumni Association is vital. Your ideas, suggestions, questions, and comments are always welcome!

Please feel free to e-mail your feedback to us anytime at alumni@mta.ca, and take a moment to find out more about volunteer opportunities.