News by tag: [current-page:query:t]
Giving a global opportunity
Class of '73 International Exchange Travel Bursary broadens students' horizons
Toqolugwejig — Working together
Mount Allison’s Indigenous Student Support Group leads University’s first powwow, celebrates permanent installation of the Mi’kmaq flag
Watching for wildlife
MtA student group assists local wildlife rehabilitation centre
Mark your calendars!
2022 Reunion and Convocation dates announced for multiple classes
Alumni events and gatherings
Eastern Ontario Alumni Virtual Gathering
Alumni events and gatherings
Allisonians gather in-person and virtually
Tucker Teaching Award recipient encourages kindness, support in the classroom
Music professor and composer Kevin Morse (’02) honoured with University's highest teaching award
Recovering and adapting
Alumni Engagement Office puts plans in place for Allisonian connections in the ‘new normal’